Bibliography on Environmental Crimes



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Kegö, W.; Molcean, A (2011), Russian Speaking Organized Crime Groups in the EU, Stockholm-Nacka, Institute for Security and Development Policy. [WWW]

Legambiente, La rifiuti s.p.a.: La radiografia del ciclo illegale dei rifiuti tracciata dal Rapporto Ecomafia 2011 di Legambiente. Rifiuti Oggi - Vol. 2, 2011, 14-20.

Mégret, Frédéric, The Problem of an International Criminal Law of the Environment. Columbia Journal of Environmental Law - Vol. 36, n° 2, 2011: 195-254. [WWW]

National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) (2011), 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment Emerging Trends, Washington, D.C., National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC). [WWW]

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Office of the Coordinator of Economic and Environmental Activities (2011), Detection and Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Waste and Other Environment: Sensitive Commodities: Manual for Trainers, Kyev, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). [WWW]

Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità; Centro Europeo Ambiente e Salute; Istituto Superiore di Sanità; Dipartimento Ambiente e Connessa Prevenzione Primaria; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Istituto Fisiologia Clinica; Osservatorio Epidemiologico della Regione Campania; Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambiente della Campania (2011), Trattamento dei rifiuti in Campania: Impatto sulla salute umana: Correlazione tra rischio ambientale da rifiuti mortalità e malformazioni congenite: Rapporto sintetico, Rome, Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. [WWW]

PriceWaterhouseCoopers Belgium; PriceWaterhouseCoopers Netherlands (2011), How Does Organised Crime Misuse EU Funds?, Brussels, European Parliament. [WWW]

Reed, Q.; Fontana, A (2011), Corruption and Illicit Financial Flows: The Limits and Possibilities of Current Approaches, Bergen, Anti-Corruption Resource Centre. [WWW]

Rose, Gregory L.; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2011), Gaps in the Implementation of Environmental Law at the National, Regional and Global Level. Paper presented at: First Preparatory Meeting of the World Congress on Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-13 October 2011), Kuala Lumpur, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). [WWW]

Secretariat of the Basel Convention (2011), Where are WEee in Africa?: Findings from the Basel Convention E-waste Af rica Programme, Châtelaine, Secretariat of the Basel Convention. [WWW]

Shaw, Margaret; Carli, Vivien (2011), Practical Approaches to Urban Crime Prevention. Paper presented at: 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Salvador, 12-19 April, 2010), Montreal, International Center for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC). [WWW]

Siemens AG (2011), Siemens Integrity Initiative: Annual Report 2011, Münich, Siemens AG. [WWW]

Stewart, James G. (2011), Corporate War Crimes: Prosecuting the Pillage of Natural Resources, New York, Open Society Foundation. [WWW]

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (2011), Corruption, Environment and the United Nations Convention against Corruption, Vienna, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). [WWW]

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (2011), Transnational Organized Crime in the Fishing Industry, Vienna, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). [WWW]

Weekers, Damian P. (2011), A Framework for Intelligence-Led Enforcement in Environmental Compliance Practice. Paper presented at: the 9th International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (Whistler, 20 - 24 June, 2011), Washington, D.C., International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE). [WWW]

You, Mingqing (2011), Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2010, Washington, D.C., Environmental Law Institute.


Rice, Mary (2010), Protecting the Environment with Intelligence. Paper presented at: 7th International Conference on Environmental Crime (Lyon, 13-17 September, 2010), London, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). [WWW]

Ayling, Julie; ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. Transnational Crime Project. Department of International Relations (2010), What Sustains Wildlife Crime? Rhino Horn Trading and the Resilience of Criminal Networks, Canberra, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. [WWW]

Bricknell, Samantha (2010), Environmental Crime in Australia. AIC Reports: Research and Public Policy Series: 109, Canberra, Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC). [WWW]

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) (2010), Examining the Links between Organised Crime and Corruption, Brussels, European Commission. [WWW]

Direzione Nazionale Antimafia (DNA) (2010), Relazione annuale sulle attività svolte dal Procuratore Nazionale Antimafia e dalla Direzione Nazionale Antimafia nonchè sulle dinamiche e strategie della criminalità organizzata di tipo mafioso, Rome, Direzione Nazionale Antimafia (DNA). [WWW]

European Commission (2010), Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects: Rulings of the Court of Justice, Brussels, European Union. [WWW]

European Environment Agency (EEA) (2010), Mapping the Impacts of the Natural Hazards and Technological Accidents in Europe, Copenhagen, European Environment Agency (EEA). [WWW]

Fischer, Christian (2010), Better Reporting about Transboundary Shipments of Wastes is Possible. Paper Presented at: The Hague Environmental Law Facility (The Hague, 20 April, 2010), Copenhagen, European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ETC/SCP). [WWW]

Gillett, Matthew (2010), Prosecuting Environmental Damage Under International Criminal Law. Paper presented at: 4th Biennial Conference (Cambridge, 2-4 September, 2010), Florence, European Society of International Law. [WWW]

Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) (2010), Supporting the Thematic Strategy on Waste Prevention and Recycling: Final Report, London, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP). [WWW]

Italy. Ministero dell'Interno. Direzione Investigativa Antimafia, Relazione del Ministro dell'Interno al Parlamento sull'attività svolta e sui risultati conseguiti dalla Direzione Investigativa Antimafia. [WWW]

Kellenberg, Derek, Trading Wastes. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management - Vol. 64, n° 1, 2012: 68-87.

Milliken, Tom; Shaw, Jo (2010), The South Africa-Vietnam Rhino Horn Trade Nexus: A Deadly Combination of Institutional Lapses, Corrupt Wildlife Industry Professionals and Asian Crime Syndicates, Johannesburg, Traffic. [WWW]

Rockingham, Vicky, Stamping It Out. WEECAF Information Bulletin 13. [WWW]

Smith, Chris (2010), Speech to 7th International Interpol Conference on Environmental Crime. Paper presented at: 7th International Interpol Conference on Environmental Crime (Lyon,13-17 September, 2010), London, Environment Agency. [WWW]

Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) (2010), Annual Report 2010, Tokyo, United Nations University. [WWW]

Tovo, Carlo, Corte Penale Internazionale dell'Ambiente: Radici, prospettive, alternative. Diario Europeo - N° 1, 2010. [WWW]

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2010), ABC of SCP: Clarifying Concepts on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Nairobi, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). [WWW]

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (2010), The Globalization of Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment, Vienna, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). [WWW]

United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) (2010), Electronic Waste: Considerations for Promoting Environmentally Sound Reuse and Recycling, Washington, D.C., United States Government Accountability Office (GAO). [WWW]

Wang, Shizhou, New Developments of Environmental Policy and Environmental Criminal Law in the People’s Republic of China. Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik - Vol. 7-8, 2010, 476-481. [WWW]

White, Rob; University of Tasmania. School of Sociology and Social Work (2010), Strategic Thinking and Collaborative Practice in Environmental Law Enforcement. Paper presented at: 7th International Conference on Environmental Crime (Lyon, 13-17 September, 2010), Hobart, University of Tasmania. [WWW]

Zoeteman, Bastiaan C. J.; Krikke, Harold R.; Venselaar, Jan, Handling WEEE Waste Flows: On the Effectiveness of Producer Responsibility in a Globalizing World. Th Advanced Manufacturing Technology - Vol. 47, n° 5-8, 2010, 415-436e International Journal of. [WWW]


Rotunno, Michele (2009), Spedizioni transfrontaliere di rifiuti: Regime normativo e quadro procedurale, Ravenna, Confindustria. [WWW]

Trafigura (2009), Trafigura's Response to Professor Ibeanu's Report, Geneva, Trafigura. [WWW]

Legambiente (2009), Mare monstrum 2009, Rome, Legambiente. [WWW]

Azimov, Ulugbek; Azimov, Taalaibek; American University of Central Asia. Social Research Center (2009), Discrimination against Internal Migrants in Kyrgyz Republic: Analysis and Recommendations, Bishkek, American University of Central Asia. [WWW]

Bacchetta, Marc; World Trade Organization (WTO). Economic Research and Statistics Division; Ernst, Ekkehard; Bustamante, Juana P.; International Labour Office (ILO). International Institute for Labour Studies (2009), Globalization and Informal Jobs in Developing Countries, Geneva, World Trade Organization (WTO). [WWW]

Basel Action Network (BAN) (2009), The United States in Violation of Their OECD Treaty Obligation, Paris, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

COWI A/S (2009), Ex-Post Evaluation of Projects and Activities Financed under the LIFE Programme: Country by Country Analysis: Italy, Brussels, European Commission. [WWW]

Eman, Katia; Meško, Gorazd; Fields, Charles B., Crimes against the Environment: Green Criminology and Research Challenges in Slovenia. Journal of Criminal Justice and Security - Vol. 11, n° 4, 2009, 574-592. [WWW]

European Commission (2009), Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora: EU Annual Report 2009, Luxemburg, European Commision. [WWW]

European Environment Agency (EEA); Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (OPOCE) (2009), Waste Without Borders in the EU? Transboundary Shipments of Waste, Copenhagen, European Environment Agency (EEA). [WWW]

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